FYI, I did this entry with a very very very heavy heart sebab some of the items I'm letting go adelah sangat disayangi dan mempunyai sentimental value sangat but I just couldn't bare seeing it TAK BERPAKAI just because Along tak muat/salah beli.
So please.
Beli sebab nak pakaikan untuk Along.
First off, the tubes/spaghetti tops/ halter babydoll etc etc!
Size : Free size
Material : Cool cotton
Condition : Brand New!
Brand : Bought online.
Bought Price : RM20
Emo Price : RM10
Status :
Material : Cool cotton
Condition : Used Once
Brand : Bought online.
Bought Price : RM2o
Emo Price : RM10
Status :
This purchase was SOOOO impulsive, I didn't know when & where to wear those two GILE MAIN BELI JE.
So if you are interested, I'm letting go these two with the price of.... *drumroll wtf*
Suke tak?
Kalau suke, beli.
Another similar design;
Material : Wooly wool sweater kind
Condition : Used
Brand : PDI Khakis
Bought Price : Tak ingat. PDI nye range is around RM30-ish kan?
Emo Price : RM15
Status : Available
Material : Cool cotton
Condition : Brand New!
Brand : Comma
Bought Price : RM35
Emo Price : RM20
Status :
I'll stop at these three dulu, sedih plak nak let go ha ha.
(Gotta sort out some more baju actually.)
As usual, if interested email me at zunairazul@gmail.com
Or peeps, YM and jerit je kat Along yeh!
Thanks again!